Question? I’ve got answers!
Do you like to cook or bake more?
I really enjoy both for different reasons. First, I like to eat. Second, I enjoy pretty much all foods – there is not much that I don’t like. Lastly, I was born with a sweet tooth so I am always saving room for dessert.
Therefore…Cooking is more of an everyday need and I feel lucky that I am interested in cooking my own meals. I also like that it’s challenging – I am constantly learning. I absolutely love to bake and eat sweets. Baking is more of a hobby of mine and is something that I am passionate about…did I mention I like sweets, too?
Do you have another job besides blogging?
I used to work full-time in non-profit healthcare, but decided to stay home and blog full-time after I had my baby.
How did you start your blog and do you have any advice?
I talked about it for months, maybe even years, and finally started researching online. After a lot of reading and going back and forth on blog names, I finally got the guts and downloaded WordPress. From there I followed the instructions and recommendations and here I am. My biggest advice is to research and watch WordPress tutorials on YouTube.
How did you come up with the blog name Stuck On Sweet?
I wanted to incorporate the word “sweet” into the name because I knew I was going to be blogging about baking and desserts. As far as how I came up with the name, you can thank my mom for that – she came up with it!
What camera do you use?
NikonD3100 and I use a Nikon DX 35mm 1:1.8G. It’s pretty inexpensive and takes good quality photos.
Do you have a favorite food or meal?
I have a ton of favorite foods and meals – I could talk to your ear off about food, but I will keep it simple…for now. So…I am not a picky eater and really enjoy almost every type of cuisine… BUT if I had to choose, I would say my favorite cuisine is Italian, my favorite dessert is banana cream pie, my favorite meal is pasta, I like roasted vegetables of all kinds, and I love goat cheese on just about anything.
Want to know more? Here are some random “fun” facts about me.
My husband and I listen to Michael Jackson on a record player every night while I make dinner.
I wanted to be a zoologists when I was a little girl hence the many photos of my dog Izzy on Instagram.
I hate getting ready but wish I liked to. Does that even make sense?
I have a love hate relationship with fashion. You can often find me in yoga pants, an old t-shirt and crock loafers (yes crocks), but if I need to look normal, I somehow figure out how to dress myself.
I can’t draw. Like at all.
If I could afford it, I would have fresh flowers all over my house.
I kind of like cleaning…I know. So weird.
My favorite show of all time is Sex & the City.
I LOVE dessert. I eat it almost every day and don’t really care that it’s not healthy.
My motto: Life’s short, eat cookies. (see above)
I love the state of Iowa. Born and raised!
If I could give away a million dollars, it would go to helping rescue animals and finding them homes.
I could eat pasta every night for dinner and I’m not even Italian.
I was a ballet dancer and miss it. Not professional though…I wasn’t that good.
I really really really want to travel to Italy to eat and drink wine for like 17 days.
I am deathly afraid of heights.
I’m a beer and wine type of gal. Pinto Noir is my faaaav.
Questions? Just email me at: stuckonsweet[at]gmail[dot]com or click here and fill out the contact page.
Feel free to contact me by visiting the contact page if you have any additional questions!